5 Alternatives To New Year’s Resolutions

2018 has officially begun! Have you set your new year's resolutions yet? Better yet, how did you do on last year's resolutions? Or the ones from the previous years? If you've accomplished them, hats off to you! If you haven't, no worries,  you're just another drop in the bucket. Truth is, resolutions don't always work because we don't stick to them. We mention them and forget about them comes February. Personally, I've stopped doing resolutions a long time ago.  Half way through the year I always realized that something came up at some point that threw me off track, and that's usually the end of those resolutions. As a solution, I've tried some alternatives that I have found successful thus far. 

Ready to take some notes? 

1. Set Short Term Goals

Does this sound familiar? I sure hope it does! Last year I wrote a very detailed post about How To Set Your Goals. If you've read it before, it's time to revisit to refresh your mind on how to set specific and achievable goals. Short Term goals are much better than resolutions because they are more specific and  quicker to attain. Short-term goals can be defined as  mini milestones that lead to bigger goals. For instance if one of your goals is to be debt free, start by listing which debts that you'll try pay off each month.That way you can track your progress on a monthly basis Short-term goals help you stay on track and will motivate you even more to accomplish your long term goals. 

2. Start A Challenge

If you're a procrastinator like me, one way you can ensure that you stay on top of things this year is by doing challenges. I find that I work much better when I have a deadline.  Challenges are helpful in areas where you know you tend to slack, or need improvement. You can do a challenge for just about anything. Heck, I've even done a 14 day cabbage soup diet for rapid weight loss. Challenges are easier to achieve because they require that you commit for a specific period of time. You can do anything you set your mind to if it only requires that you sacrifice for a short amount of time. So start small and get creative with your challenges. 

The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.

3. Create A “Things To Do” List

Ok, so you've told everyone that you want to travel more this year, socialize more, spend more time with your friends and the list goes on. Those are good intentions. However, take it a step further and create a detailed list. 

Here's a quick example:

  • Attend niece's birthday (january) 
  • Celebrate birthday in Mexico (July)
  • Attend friend's wedding in California (August) 
  • Host graduation dinner party (May)
  • Spend Christmas at the alps (December) 

You get gist!

Don't just say that you'll do things, write them down. This will help you to keep track by crossing things off, and allow you to make changes as you go if needed. 

4. Choose A Motto

What is your motto this year? Have you thought about all the things that you want to accomplish, the things that you most desire this year? Find a single word that defines all you hope to accomplish and make it your motto. Maybe healing is what you're longing for this year, or growth.  Perhaps this is the year of making moves for you, or the year that requires change.  It's important to find a word that will trigger  your subconscious to focus on the results you want to achieve. Choose a word that will see you through the ups and downs throughout the year, yet will remind you what your focus should remain on at all times. 

5. Less Talk, More Moves

Talk is cheap, because it yields no results. 

We all know someone who talk a great deal. They have an opinion about everything, and spend hours engaging in pointless social media discussions and debates. Instead of engaging in conversations where you discuss your whole entire life with the entire universe, hush up and get to work! Don't be that person who always has a plan and nothing to show for it. Do your research, find people who are like minded and can help you, and get to work. The only talking you should be doing this year is to make announcements. 

Quit talking and begin doing.

Outfit Deets

Dress: Similar Here  or Here 

Fur Bolero (Sold Out) Similar Here 

Shoes: Here 


Have you found other things that have worked for you? Kindly share with us! We're all just learning from each other.

Happy New Year Loves!

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I am an early childhood educator who has fallen in love with the life that I have been given. I am inspired by the beauty in everything that surrounds me to live my best life, loving my hardest, and traveling the furthest possible. Join me on my adventures through life.



2 Comment

  1. I love the idea of making challenges instead! I think they can be much more reasonable and easier to complete. Thank you for this!

    1. I believe so too! I don’t do well with resolutions at all lol

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